Young poets performed in ‘Tula Kanto’ event at Sip Station Café


Young poets performed in ‘Tula Kanto’ event at Sip Station Café

Young poets, spoken word artists, and writers convened to showcase their literary pieces in the first ‘Tula Kanto’ event. This poetry night was held on May 4, 2024, at Sip Station Café in General Santos City.

‘Tula Kanto’ was the culmination program of the Sarangani Writers League (SWL) for National Literature Month. SWL Executive Director Genory Vanz Alfasain expressed that the participation of young artists was a testament to the flourishing arts community in the city.

“You might be curious as to why SWL, an organization rooted in Sarangani, is hosting an event in GenSan. Much like the fluidity of literature, our identity is not confined by geographical boundaries,” he said during his opening speech at the event.

“It transcends borders. While our advocacy is primarily focused on Sarangani Province, the SWL is always open to collaborations and partnerships aimed at nurturing our literary communities in Region 12.”

The event had two main segments – a poetry performance and an open mic session. Members from esteemed groups such as the SWL, Sigaw Heneral, and Writear’s Sheet, along with other enthusiastic participants, graced the event with their performances.

A special segment, “Featured Poet”, was dedicated to introducing Adrian Pete Pregonir, the Makata ng Taon 2024. He shared his award-winning piece, “Sa Muhón ng Iyong Kabáong Maibábaón ang mga Guhò ng Kahápon,” and some of his poems with audience members.

Sip Station Café, a strong advocate for such creative initiatives, pledged its continued support by hosting similar literary events in the future.

“We hope that ‘Tula Kanto’ will inspire others to contribute to or initiate similar literary or art-related events that can elevate our arts scene, not just in GenSan, but across the entire region. Rest assured, the Sarangani Writers League stands as your steadfast ally in this endeavor,” Alfasain said.

‘Tula Kanto’ was organized by the Sarangani Writers League and Sip Station Café, in collaboration with SK Dadiangas West and Sigaw Heneral.



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