The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café


The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café

TJ Heiro Santos decided to open a coffee shop in General Santos City after being inspired by his travels in Australia. What he did not expect was that his coffee business would also foster a pleasant and supportive community that rejects negativity.

He had a brief introduction to coffee when he attended his first barista training in early 2020. However, he had to put his coffee journey on hold due to his academic obligations and his involvement in the family business with his father.

Santos was fascinated by the diverse coffee culture he encountered in Australia. He dreamed of bringing some of their innovative concepts to GenSan. He aimed to make his café a unique and distinctive destination in the industry by offering something different and original.

With the help of his aunt, who is a coffee enthusiast, Santos learned more about coffee through various exposures and his research on the industry.

Driven by his determination, he launched his pop-up café in November 2021 in front of Straycuts and Hazy Eyes Classic Studio. He was there every Saturday, serving coffee to his customers.

"They loved it. I'm grateful to them and to my friends who support my pop-up coffee shop," he said.

Santos combined his passion for motorcycles and vintage style with his curiosity for coffee. He opened his physical shop in November 2022 and named it 'Brewbuds: House of Tenacity'. The shop has a vintage interior that reflects his love for classics and his support for local artists.

The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café

"The coffee shop is a reflection of myself. I want to create a homey vibe where everyone can relax and have good conversations," Santos said.

Santos enjoyed a surge of customers in the first three months of his shop's operations, just like many other businesses in GenSan. However, the following months saw a decline in his sales, forcing him to rethink his strategies and adapt to the changes.

He hosted various events, such as the Higayon and motorcycle-related events, to promote his coffee shop and foster a supportive community of local artists and enthusiasts.

"My initial losses in sales did not bother me. I pursue my vision and use it as a motivation to help my business and the community," he said.

Santos' efforts paid off because, in the following months, Brewbuds gained a stable customer base, thanks to the word-of-mouth marketing of the attendees of his events.

The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café

He held most of his events in a place he called "Alley Bai," inspired by the Bisaya phrase "Ali Bai" loosely translated as "Come, my friend." The area serves as their parking space during the day, but at night it transforms into a "chill zone".

"The attendees love it because they feel exclusive as if they are VIPs. It creates a sense of community among artists, supporting the local indie scene here in GenSan," he said.

His parents were initially unsupportive of his idea to pursue a coffee shop business, but they later changed their minds when they saw his efforts and passion for it. His girlfriend is also supportive, as she helps him manage the coffee shop, despite having her work as a psychotherapist in a rehab facility in Alabel, Sarangani Province.

Santos has plans to renovate his shop to enhance it and accommodate more customers. He also hopes to expand his coffee shop to other locations if the opportunity arises.

As a coffee shop owner and enthusiast, he also advocates for local quality coffee. He has expanded his coffee knowledge by enrolling in The Coffee Academy GenSan and participating in coffee competitions. Through these experiences, he can share what he learned with his customers.

The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café

Santos is aware of some factions within the local coffee community, but he does not let them bother him and focuses on his business and its impact on the community.

"If you want to prosper in doing business, you should mind your own business and work with faith and diligence so that you can have a peaceful life and no conflicts with anyone around you. Don't encourage negative vibes," he said.

He draws inspiration from a bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 4:11, which says, "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before."

The Homey Vibe of Brewbuds Café
Santos' motto, "Don't die wondering," urges people to chase their dreams and passions instead of just thinking about them. He exemplifies this by pursuing his coffee shop business, showing that life is more rewarding when we act and explore our potential, rather than just staying in our comfort zone and missing out on opportunities.

He believes in kindness and generosity towards others. He also thinks that having realistic expectations is important in life. As he continues to learn about the coffee industry, he always does his best to serve his customers with quality and help the community with compassion.



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