BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao


BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao

Dave Michael B. Ibao, a nurse by profession, chose to pursue a career in the coffee industry. However, it was not easy for him. He faced many challenges before opening his coffee shop, BLCK, in Barangay Fatima, GenSan.

Ibao's experience working in coffee shops, both locally and abroad, fueled his desire to open his establishment. Like many businesses that thrived during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ibao started by selling cold brew and later decided to open a physical shop to cater to his avid customers.

In an interview, Ibao shared his coffee journey and his vision for the local coffee industry.

12 Beat: What inspired you to open a coffee shop?

Dave Michael Ibao: My experience as a barista has shown me how important coffee is in the lives of those working abroad. As baristas, we can influence the positivity of our customers' days. A simple cup of coffee can provide an opportunity to connect with others. Despite individual differences, coffee can bring people together and provide a chance to reconnect with old friends. Coffee also provides energy to face the day, making it a necessity for many.

BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao

12 Beat: What sets your coffee shop apart from others in the area?

DMI: Our coffee shop advocates for the progress of local farmers. We promote local products of good quality while adhering to fair trade practices, meaning we purchase beans at a price that reflects their true value and the hard work of the farmers. During our visits to the farms, it's heartbreaking to hear their stories of how their coffee is sold at extremely low prices, causing them to lose interest in coffee farming.

They are often unaware that their product is sold at much higher prices. The middlemen or buyers who take advantage of them are the ones who benefit the most. This situation affects the future of the coffee industry in the Philippines. By promoting fair trade practices, we hope to help farmers improve their coffee produced and encourage them to enhance the quality of their coffee.

12 Beat: How do you source your coffee beans and other ingredients?

DMI: We are committed to support our local coffee farmers. That's why we carefully choose our suppliers and only source our coffee beans and other ingredients from those who genuinely support and advocate for the local coffee farming community.

BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao

12 Beat: What is your most popular menu item?

DMI: Espresso coolers, Spanish latte, and caramel macchiato

12 Beat: How do you ensure a consistent level of quality in your products and services?

DMI: It's important to source high-quality ingredients, continuously expand your knowledge, and personally check and taste your products to ensure they meet your brand's standards. Regularly checking the quality of your products is crucial to maintain a high level of excellence.

BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao

12 Beat: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the coffee industry?

DMI: There are several ways to expand your knowledge about the coffee industry. You can read books and articles, conduct competitive checks with other coffee shops, and engage in meaningful conversations with fellow members of the GenSan Coffee Association. These activities can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry.

12 Beat: How do you engage with the local community?

DMI: My wife and I believe that the younger generation is the future. That's why we engage in youth activities in our community in Barangay Fatima, where our store is located. Last year, we sponsored the Mutya ng FNHS pageant at Fatima National High School. We also held a poetry night at our store for aspiring young poets to showcase their talents.

Additionally, we support young athletes by sponsoring a basketball team consisting of both veteran and young players, where the younger players can enhance their skills under the guidance of their more experienced colleagues. These are just some of the small gestures we make to support the youth in our community.

12 Beat: What are the challenges you have encountered so far and how did you overcome them?

DMI: The first challenge I faced was finding suppliers. When we started, I knew the business but no networks. I'm from Davao, and my wife doesn't travel much, so finding suppliers was difficult. Then I met some people who shared my vision for coffee, and they helped me find what I needed for the shop. I also searched for suppliers on Facebook.

The second challenge was training staff. It's difficult to train staff if they don't have a passion for the work. If their only goal is to earn a salary, their attitude towards work is very different from when I was a working student in Davao. The discipline we had before is very different now. Staff nowadays are soft, and if you point out something they did wrong, they lose interest and become resentful. It took several staff members before the shop became stable. I interviewed and chose people who were sincere in their work, even if they had little knowledge. You can see their sincerity towards their work.

12 Beat: How do you train your staff to provide excellent customer service?

DMI: The first key to success is having excellent product knowledge. You must know your products well to sell them effectively. Customers often ask questions about the products, especially the expensive ones. They want to be sure that they will like what they buy.

For example, it's important to know how to pair coffee with pastries, and what goes well with black coffee—sweet pastries or chocolatey ones. Next is having good manners toward customers. When people enter a coffee shop, they want to unwind, enjoy a cup of coffee, reconnect with friends, or rest after a tiring day of work. The baristas must not raise their eyebrows or speak in an unfriendly tone when approached by customers. How you treat them can set their mood. Lastly, it's important to make drinks according to the brand's standards. You must train your staff well to avoid complaints and give customers the best experience.

12 Beat: What steps do you take to ensure the cleanliness and safety of your coffee shop?

DMI: To maintain a clean and organized coffee shop, we schedule regular pest control and assign weekly tasks for in-depth cleaning. We also tag items with their shelf life to ensure that our products are always fresh.

12 Beat: How do you handle customer complaints or negative feedback?

DMI: The first step is to apologize and ask about the situation. Try to de-escalate the situation by offering something to the guests to prevent the issue from escalating, or ask what the establishment can offer to resolve the issue. For negative feedback, apologize and give assurance that their feedback will be taken into consideration and addressed.

BLCK Café: A Coffee Convo with Dave Michael B. Ibao

12 Beat: What is your approach to marketing and promoting your coffee shop?

DMI: Nowadays, most things are digital. Many businesses and industries have shifted towards using digital technology to improve their operations and reach a wider audience.

12 Beat: How do you measure the success of your coffee shop?

DMI: It's heartwarming to see familiar faces returning to our coffee shop and receiving good feedback about our service and products.

As for our plans, we hope to expand the shop this year to serve more customers. We're also planning to add food items that pair well with coffee to give customers more options. In the next two years, we hope to open another shop in the downtown area, as many of our customers work there.


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