Signs of Life 2: Tacurong City Hosts Workshop on Contemporary Poetry

Signs of Life 2: Tacurong City Hosts Workshop on Contemporary Poetry

Tacurong City recently hosted a workshop on contemporary poetry called "Signs of Life 2" at the Baras Bird Sanctuary on May 6-7, 2023. The workshop was organized by the Local Government Unit of Tacurong in collaboration with Tridax Zines and aimed to promote and nurture contemporary poetics in the city.

The workshop facilitator, Gerald Galindez, shared that the main objective was to “bring poetry closer to the masses and write poems relevant to the place.” To achieve this goal, the theme "Cageless Wonders of Baras" was chosen to raise awareness for the protection and conservation of Tacurong's remaining forests and wildlife.

Signs of Life 2: Tacurong City Hosts Workshop on Contemporary Poetry

Participants were given two days to write their poems, which were then critiqued by the panelists from Tridax Zines Team. The workshop was a success, with participants producing thought-provoking and inspiring poems that showcased Tacurong's natural beauty.

As a culmination of the workshop, Tridax Zines published the poems as a chapbook to promote Tacurong's contemporary poetics and raise awareness for the protection and conservation of endemic and migratory birds in the city. The event was part of the 7th Tacurong Bird Festival, which will be held on May 12-13, 2023.


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