Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop


Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop

Rue Cesar Leguro never imagined that he would become a coffee shop owner. His passion for coffee developed unexpectedly during the initial year of the COVID-19 pandemic. While he and his partner Ruth Jean Maratas were stranded in Davao City due to the nationwide lockdown, they discovered their shared love for coffee.

"When the lockdown was implemented, my partner and I found ourselves stranded in Davao City. We were confined to our apartment for months and began experimenting with home-brewing coffee for our consumption," Leguro recalled.

It all started when their neighbor gifted them a pack of Batangas coffee. With no prior knowledge of the diverse world of coffee, they experimented with the pour-over brewing method. At that time, Starbucks was the only coffee brand they were familiar with. Intrigued and fascinated by the flavors and nuances of this newfound passion, Leguro dove into the world of coffee research, starting with Arabica coffee and espresso.

Empowered by his newfound knowledge and passion for coffee, Leguro aspired to establish a coffee shop in Tacurong City once they were able to leave Davao.

Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop

Continuing his exploration of coffee, Leguro delved deeper into the mechanics of espresso machines, eventually leading him to fabricate his own. This invention inspired them to establish a pop-up café in November 2020, which had yet to be given a brand name.

In December 2020, they took a big step forward by opening a physical store in their residential area. Their menu featured five types of coffee – Caramel, Americano, Cappuccino, Latte, and Salted. The shop quickly gained popularity and drew crowds from Tacurong and neighboring towns.

Seeing the growth potential, they invested in a commercial-grade espresso machine and expanded their space to accommodate more customers. They named their coffee shop "Kape Kamaleg" after both Rue’s surname and his grandfather. It has become a beloved spot for coffee enthusiasts in the area.

Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop

Taking inspiration from coffee shops in Thailand, Kape Kamaleg's interior design features a unique and inviting atmosphere created by the use of nipa and concrete materials. This combination of natural and industrial elements adds to the overall charm of the space and transports visitors to the rustic and rural ambiance of Thailand.

"I believe what makes our café stand out among others in Tacurong is our dedication to establishing it as a true coffee shop. My partner and I treat Kape Kamaleg as our child, which is why we are incredibly passionate about it," he explained.

Leguro and his partner primarily source their coffee from Decano Coffee and Roastery, owned by Loreto “JeyR” Decano Jr., who is known for obtaining most of his coffee beans from local farmers in Sultan Kudarat.

When Kape Kamaleg introduced specialty coffee to their customers, some were taken aback by the taste, stating that "it was not coffee that they were tasting." As many coffee consumers are accustomed to the bitter taste and perceive it as the best. Leguro took the time to patiently educate and explain to his customers about specialty coffee and its unique flavor profile.

Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop

“As the owner and head barista of Kape Kamaleg, it's my responsibility to ensure the consistent quality of our coffee. That's why I meticulously measure each ingredient and pay close attention to the roasting profile of the beans. I regularly communicate with Decano's Coffee and Roastery to ensure the quality of the beans we source,” he said.

To expand its customer base, Kape Kamaleg utilizes social media for marketing and promotion. They actively participate in local events and cultivate positive relationships with their patrons, fostering a strong sense of community engagement. Additionally, they plan to forge partnerships with coffee farmers in Sultan Kudarat to strengthen the local coffee industry.

However, as the demand for coffee continues to grow and more coffee shops open in the area, the supply of beans has become scarce. Despite their desire to support local coffee farmers in the province, Leguro has had to make difficult adjustments and source beans from other regions.

Kape Kamaleg: How a Lockdown Experiment Became a Beloved Coffee Shop

Leguro has always kept in mind the valuable business advice imparted by his mother and uncle regarding customer service. According to them, the success of any business greatly depends on how well it interacts with its customers.

"Your business success relies on how well you treat your customers. No matter the size of your coffee shop, if your customer service is poor, your business is likely to fail,” he said.

"I hope to see the coffee culture in Tacurong City flourish and for more locals to discover and appreciate our homegrown coffee. It all starts with supporting our community and embracing the 'support local' movement."



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