Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.


Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.

Loreto Decano Jr. spent his childhood days at his family's coffee shop in the public market. He had no idea that his early introduction to coffee would drive him to carry on his family's company. He contributes to innovation to keep up with modern coffee business trends.

In the 1960s, the Decano family, led by their father Loreto Decano Sr., established a coffee business. Their first experiments involved roasting coffee beans in big kawali. They used traditional coffee grinders and sold their coffee at the Tacurong public market. Their first consumers were the Moros, and they later enlarged their market. The coffee was sold on an irregular basis by the family.

Decano has a nursing degree but decided to work in his family's coffee business. He committed time on researching coffee and learning about the industry after graduating and taking his nursing oath.

“I find joy in coffee. I choose to follow my passion," he said.

Decano encountered difficulties while pursuing his passion for coffee. One of these obstacles was his family's opposition. He had to make difficult business decisions, yet his parents' agreement was required at the time.

Decano's parents did not completely trust him to make business judgments at the time because he had yet to establish himself to them. This made it difficult for him to completely follow his business ambition.

Decano recalled his family's initial reluctance to change. “The business was working well, so why change it? They thought that I had suddenly entered the picture and wanted to make changes.”

Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.

Despite the difficulties, Decano was not discouraged. He performed research and used what he discovered to develop the business. He eventually decided to launch his brand, Decanos Coffee. Customers who were familiar with their coffee already remembered the name. Decano recognized an opportunity to expand the company and take it to the next level.

“I recognized the need to raise the standard of our coffee. I wanted to level up and expand our market. By improving the quality of our product, we aimed to attract a wider customer base and grow the business,” he said.

In 2012, Decano began developing new products and rolled them out in 2013. His wife and brother joined him in the coffee business and helped him grow the brand.

The family's coffee shop remains open in Tacurong City's public market to this day. Their shop now specializes in selling commercially graded coffee. Decano introduced Specialty Arabica and Fine Robusta to meet the needs of customers who prefer these kinds.

Despite numerous challenges and tribulations, Decano remains dedicated to producing and selling high-quality local coffee. He made considerable improvements to the company's numerous areas, including branding and marketing. He also dabbled in coffee roasting and advanced his talents by completing a coffee roasting training program provided by the Coffee Quality Institute.

"There were times when I felt like giving up. But I go back to my ‘Why’ and remained determined. I changed my strategy and realized that the product positioning was not right. I focused on developing high-quality products and marketing them online to young professionals,” he said.

Decano's parents were not up to date on the newest coffee business trends. He began using his ideas to assist their business catch-up. Decano, for example, mandated adequate packaging for their commercially graded coffee. Initially, their faithful clients were not pleased with the adjustment. They did, however, come to recognize its significance over time.

"Our parents saw how hard we were working and decided to support us by lending capital. They could see that we were dedicated and determined to make our business work. Their support gave us the boost we needed to keep pushing forward and striving for success,” said Decano.

Decano is constantly ready to learn more and has participated in many trainings sponsored by various government agencies and non-governmental organizations. He also works with several coffee stakeholders in Region 12.

Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.

In 2019, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) began to assist his company. For example, he participated in the DTI's Kapatid Mentor Me Program and learned a lot of things that helped him develop his business.

He also obtained assistance from the DTI RAPID Growth Project and signed a Commercial Partnership Agreement (CPA) with several coffee farmer associations, including the Masiag Farmers and Coffee Growers Association Inc. of Masiag, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat province.

"We pay a high price for green coffee beans from our farmers. It makes us proud to see how happy they are with the price and how it enables them to buy the things they need. If I hadn't worked hard and persevered, I wouldn't have been able to help the farmers in this way,” Decano said.

He also established himself as the top supplier of coffee beans to local shops in Tacurong City and the adjacent towns.

Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.

"We tailor our approach to each client based on their individual needs. By actively listening and engaging in open communication, we can identify and address any issues that may arise in their market. This allows us to make necessary adjustments and ensure that our clients' needs are always met."

Decano agrees that providing a regular supply of high-quality beans is one of the issues facing the coffee business. While the region's specialty coffee business is still in its early stages and not all consumers have embraced it, there are still worries regarding pricing controls and the possibility of abuse within the industry.

Decano's Coffee and Roastery attempts to offer its consumers the coffee they want, from commercial to specialty blends. The company's goal is to supply significant coffee shop brands while also building a strong network within the coffee roasting community. They are committed to providing high-quality products to their clients.

Decanos Coffee: Continuing the Family Legacy with Loreto Decano Jr.

"We envision a future where our brand has expanded nationwide. Our goal is to establish a strong presence in markets across the country and become a household name,” said Decano.

“Always remember your 'why'. When you know your 'why', you are unstoppable. An entrepreneur without a reason will become complacent along the way. Without a goal, you will remain stagnant. Having a goal is what motivates you.”

Decanos has a vision for the growth and expansion of their business. They are committed to collaborate with stakeholders in the coffee industry and raising awareness about the importance of sustainable practices and fair trade.”

"We measure our success by the positive impact we have on the lives of the farmers and coffee suppliers we work with. Our goal is to improve their livelihoods and support sustainable practices within the coffee industry,” Decano said.

“We celebrate success every day because we continue to grow. We never give up and remain focused on achieving our goals. It is important to revisit our ‘why’ and remember the reasons that drive us. When you have a dream, you are unstoppable.”





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