Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures


Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures

In 2019, Lennard Jan Ponce fell victim to investment fraud, leaving him with just P3,500 and no clear way forward. But instead of wallowing in defeat, he took accountability and sought a solution to overcome his setback.

"I looked for ways to get out of that situation," Ponce candidly admitted.

Ponce was a nurse at Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital and later worked as an Emergency Medical Technician in Saudi Arabia. When faced with the challenge of recovering from his investment failure, he came up with a unique idea - selling cassava cakes to his former co-workers at the hospital.

"During that time, my aunt and I made the first 50 cassava cakes and it was immediately sold out. Most of the customers told me that our cassava cake melts in the mouth," he recalled with a smile.

Inspired by the rave reviews from his customers, Ponce aptly named his business Melts Premium Cassava Cake. It quickly gained popularity and caught the attention of aspiring resellers.

Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures
Cars line-up to buy MELTS | photo by Batang Polomolok

Setting up his first Melts branch in Barangay Pagalungan, Polomolok, in a small shop made of scrap metal turned out to be a stroke of genius. Located conveniently by the highway, it attracted curious customers who wanted to taste the sensation for themselves. Soon, the Melts craze caused traffic jams in the area.

However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Ponce faced another daunting challenge. Many businesses shut down, and people stayed indoors, except for emergencies. Ponce worried about the fate of his food business, but to his relief, Melts was deemed "essential" and could continue to operate in a limited capacity.

"Frontliners were a big help in promoting and reselling the product. They conducted house-to-house visits," Ponce acknowledged gratefully.

Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures

Melts became one of the few available options on a popular food delivery app during the pandemic. Customers, intrigued by the unique cassava cake, decided to give it a try. It was an instant hit, and word about Melts spread like wildfire. However, as demand skyrocketed, Ponce faced the challenge of sourcing enough ingredients to fulfill orders in the region.

But Ponce's determination knew no bounds. He relentlessly sought solutions to meet the growing demand, traveling to different places across the country to find the necessary ingredients for his cassava cake.

"I did not stop in my search for solutions to cope with the demand," he explained with determination.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Melts defied the odds and continued to grow. Ponce sought support and guidance from various government agencies, such as the Department of Trade and Industry, to further expand his venture.

Ponce and his team also showed their gratitude and generosity to the frontliners who bravely fought the pandemic. They donated their delectable products to hospitals in Polomolok and nearby towns, as well as to personnel in checkpoints and government agencies, spreading joy and goodwill.

What sets Melts apart from other similar businesses is Ponce's unwavering commitment to quality. He never compromises on ingredients, believing that giving the best will make a product known.

"I don't skimp on the ingredients. If you want to be known, give your best. There is no reservation like there is no reservation in the ingredients," Ponce emphasized.

Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures
MELTS staff prepares the ingredients 

Melts also follows stringent quality assurance procedures and uses a checklist to ensure the condition of the ingredients. Ponce goes the extra mile by sourcing cassava not only from his own farm but also from other local farmers in the region, supporting their livelihoods and fostering partnerships.

Ponce's entrepreneurial journey is fueled by his unwavering determination and passion for keeping his family's cherished recipe of cassava cake alive. He doesn't just rely on his farm for the cassava, but also supports local farmers in the region, seeing it as a way to uplift their livelihoods and build meaningful partnerships.

Through his hard work and dedication, Ponce has earned the support of his suppliers, whom he affectionately refers to as his "big brothers". They have become his mentors, guiding him through business road shows and inspiring him to innovate his products. Ponce understands the importance of seeking help from others and recognizes that rejection is just a temporary setback on the path to success.

Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures
Product shoot with the The Fat Kid Inside Studios 

Running the business is a family affair for Ponce, with his loved ones joining him in the operations. He takes pride in sharing their delicious cassava cake with the public, and seeing the joy it brings to everyone.

Ponce has learned to bounce back from failures and adapt to changing situations, never giving up on his goals and dreams. He trusts his abilities and learns from his mistakes, staying focused on his vision and working tirelessly to turn it into reality.

“You can always accept failures but not defeat,” he said.

His unwavering drive has been noticed by his friend, who encouraged him to "take it easy" and enjoy life. Ponce realized that he had been too hard on himself by setting strict timeframes for his goals. He took his friend's advice to heart and learned to relax, taking it one step at a time.

Ponce's vision extends beyond his current success, as he envisions expanding his business nationwide. With branches already established in various locations, he remains confident in his product and himself, believing that they will both continue to grow hand in hand.

Unleashing the Power of MELTS: The Inspiring Story of Lennard Jan Ponce's Triumph Over Failures

Despite his achievements, Ponce humbly does not consider himself fully successful, as he continues to strive towards other goals. He recognizes the importance of planning and being confident in one's product in the business world. He believes that mediocre attitudes towards business are unsustainable, and that successful execution is a continuous process of learning and improvement.

Ponce's journey as an entrepreneur is a testament to his resilience, determination, and unwavering faith in his product and himself. He inspires others with his unwavering drive and positive attitude, showing that with hard work, perseverance, and a belief in oneself, dreams can become reality.


The feature story was first published in yadukaru.com

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