DTI 12 spearheads ‘Kape Dose Coffee Quality Competition 2023’


DTI 12 spearheads the ‘Kape Dose Coffee Quality Competition 2023’

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Region 12 will hold the Kape Dose Coffee Quality Competition 2023 to showcase the best coffee produced in the region. 

The competition is open to all coffee farmers and processors within Region 12. It also aims to give recognition to people behind the most flavorful coffee in the region.

The competition will have two categories - Arabica and Robusta, and will highlight the highest-quality coffee beans from the region. The winners of the two categories will be recognized as the best coffee of Region 12 and will be promoted and marketed as "Kape Dose."

DTI-12 will start accepting entries for the competition from February 16 to 22, 2023. The evaluation process will take place from February 27 to March 2, 2023, at the Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) Coffee Cupping Laboratory and Barista Training Center. It is a state-of-the-art Shared Service Facility (SSF) of DTI dedicated to the coffee evaluation and training. The announcement of the winners will be declared on March 1, 2023.

According to OIC Regional Director Flora Politud-Gabunales the competition provides a great opportunity for coffee farmers and processors in Region 12 to showcase their products and gain recognition for their hard work and dedication to producing high-quality coffee.

“While Region 12 is considered the number one coffee-producing region in the Philippines in terms of volume, it is high time that we will also position our region as a producer of best quality Robusta and Arabica coffee,” Politud-Gabunales said.

Aside from DTI 12, SKSU, the Department of Agriculture (DA) 12, Peace and Equity Foundation, Mahintana Foundation, Inc., ACDI/VOCA-PhilCAFE Project, and Region 12 Coffee Council also supported this event.

Winners of the Kape Dose competition will be the official entries of Region 12 in the upcoming Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) this coming May 2023. (DTI 12/PR)


Complete mechanics of the competition can be accessed through the link https://bit.ly/KAPEDOSE2023


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